United Designs Alliance
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Mié, Marzo 23, 2022
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Mié, Marzo 23, 2022
7:00 PM
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Breaking Down Barriers: Using Accessible and Universal Design for Greater Opportunities

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) “one in four adults live with some type of disability (22.5%).” These disabilities are both cognitive, visual, auditory, speech, physical, neurological, or situational, and exist in both the digital and built environments. For these individuals with disabilities, unintentional barriers are ever-present and create a lack of opportunity in both the digital and built environment. This discussion demonstrates how to use some of the tools, resources, and principles available to ensure a more accessible future for the visually impaired, color blind, and dyslexics (19% of the world’s population). Examples of both research and design work will guide the discussion, including how to predict the distance of typographic forms, icons, logos, and color on visual acuity for both 20/70 (visually impaired), 20/200 (legally blind), and 20/20 (normal vision).